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span of time造句

  • In that span of time, I was second-guessing,
  • Too many records in a record-breaking span of time?
  • "It's been a wonderful span of time.
  • Her soul appears for a short span of time and vanishes.
  • He is known for directing films in short spans of times.
  • He was released in 1999 for a short span of time.
  • Infomercials have came a long way in a short span of time.
  • The reality is people are working for a longer span of time.
  • The killings took place within a short span of time.
  • This represents a span of time approximating 3.3 million years.
  • It's difficult to see span of time in a sentence. 用span of time造句挺难的
  • DPCOE has recorded ample placements in a very short span of time.
  • Institutional development is a notion that entails 15-year spans of time.
  • For spans of time, Smith was the only family doctor in town.
  • Who imagined wartorn Japan would rebound in such a short span of time?
  • The Edwardian era ( 1901 1910 ) covers a similar span of time.
  • Many planets and moons have impact craters dating back large spans of time.
  • He could also manage to write plays in just a span of time.
  • It was vacant for a span of time in the 1980s and 1990s.
  • No other franchise has won that many championships in that short span of time.
  • Hughes also has a track record of producing results over a span of time.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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